Optimal Health Program

Weight Loss and Wellness Made Simple

The Optimal Health Program from Bright Horizons for Weight Loss and Wellness will help you develop New Habits, make you Healthier, lose Fat and maintain the muscle mass.

Welcome to Bright Horizons' Optimal Health Program

Weight loss

Do you really want to lose weight, get on track with your health and have lots of energy?

Do you feel you have tried different Weight Loss Programs and that nothing has worked so far?

Do you start a program, lose some weight with difficulty, only to gain it all back because the program is so difficult to stick to?

Have the weight loss programs you have tried made you go through the following fruitless experience? 

  • You are always hungry
  • Your food intake eliminates certain essential food groups and nutrients that your body needs
  • You starve and the cravings get you
  • Your exercise has to be too intense
  • You are prone to developing chronic diseases
  • You lack quality supplementation
  • You have to drink shakes instead of having real food
  • You lose some of those kilos but you gain them all back because the program is not sustainable!

Sounds familiar?

If it does, then you have come to the right place for the right solution! Read on to see how Bright Horizons' the Optimal Health Program not only helps you lose weight but also helps keep those dreaded kilos away!!

Are you ready to embark on a health transformational journey with a difference?

Then contact us NOW!

How are We Different?

Would you like to:
  • Have more energy and less stress?
  • Look and feel great?
  • Lose weight?
  • Minimise the risk of conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes?
Welcome to the thriving, vibrant and healthy-living community of the Optimal Health Program members, where we are re-defining the path to health and well-being and creating lifelong transformations to a Healthy Body, Healthy Mind and a Healthy Lifestyle! You will be joining thousands of individuals who have discovered how to achieve and sustain a healthy lifestyle.

At Bright Horizons an experienced Coach will guide you through the various stages of attaining optimal health and maintaining it. The Bright Horizons' the Optimal Health Program will help you eat regular food while at the same time help you develop new eating habits, lose fat and maintain muscle mass.

Your body was designed to help you survive in a prehistoric world when people had to endure long periods of famine. When you go on a ‘Diet’ (as is required in most weight loss programs in the marketplace), your body responds by slowing its metabolic rate to compensate for a lack of nutrients and to conserve energy. When you return to 'normal' eating habits your weight often bounces back and you regain everything you lost (plus interest ☺).

In addition, in most of the other weight-loss programs on the market you will have to try endlessly to lose weight and avoid putting it back on, often stay hungry, go through excruciating pains to achieve your goals and a strong will power to even continue the program. So success in these programs is hard to attain and even harder to maintain.

In contrast to the other programs in the market, Bright Horizons' the Optimal Health Program employs a proven, predictable 'real food' program that helps reset your body’s metabolic 'normal', so as you lose weight the body never shifts into starvation mode. This increases your metabolism to an optimal level while you are losing weight. We provide you with a program which will help you lose weight while keeping you feeling full and satisfied and have you feeling better than you’ve felt for years!

Once you have achieved your target weight we initiate a stabilisation phase to lock in your new “metabolic normal” and then you’re good to go!

Are You Ready to Take Action?

Let's meet face to face and understand your health goals, the challenges that you are facing now and discuss some possible solutions that will help you to achieve your goals. We don’t want your credit card details or want to sell anything to you. We just want to have the opportunity to meet you face to face, listen to your needs and then see how we can help you to achieve your goals.

Now, isn’t that a pleasant surprise?

When you consider that
- 63% of Australians are overweight or obese*
- The cost of obesity in Australia in 2008 was $58.2B**
- 80% to 90% of the people who develop type 2 diabetes in Australia are overweight***
you owe it to yourself to spare 30 minutes of your time to kick-start your health transformation journey!  

*ABS National Health Survey 2014-15
**Growing Cost of Obesity 2008 (Access Economics)
***Dr Christine Bennett, MBF's Chief Medical Officer

A friendly warning! If you are looking for a magic pill or gimmicks to make you lose weight overnight, then sorry, this program is not for you! But if you are happy to take action, learn a few things and create long-lasting results, we can definitely assist you.

Are You Ready to Take the Next Steps?

Don’t take our word about the effectiveness of the Program…see what others have experienced!

The Optimal Health Program originated around 30 years ago in the United States. There have been lots of clinical studies backing this Program; it is proven to be working and has a solid track record.

The Program has been in use in Australia since 2002. So far more than 20, 000 people in Australia have used this Program and have achieved success in their quest for a healthier life. This Program has an excellent success record and will give you the desired results that you seek. Read below some case studies of highly successful outcomes that people from different walks of life have been able to achieve through the Optimal Health Program!

The Benefits of the Optimal Health Program!

As opposed to many popular weight loss programs in the market, the Optimal Health Program focuses on creating optimal health instead of focusing only on weight loss. The Program targets to adjust the metabolism of the body so that it starts using fat as fuel, instead of using food as fuel. The four pillars of the Program are designed to help you get into a healthy regime, with a Coach guiding you and helping you stay accountable.

The four pillars of the Program are:
four pillars
Below is a summary of the benefits of the Optimal Health Program.
  • The program is simple, easy to follow and implement.
  • You will NEVER be HUNGRY and will have regular snacks
  • An experienced Coach will walk the journey with you. He will help you develop the right mindset and help you stay accountable.
  • Your progress will be tracked by the Coach on a daily basis and with face to face sessions on a weekly basis.
  • This Program provides you access to a group of like-minded individuals who are on the same journey as you so that you can stay focused, inspired and motivated.
  • You will be given access to a set of resources to make you aware of the steps involved:
  • Basic education on the food you are taking so that you can always make the right choices
  • Focus on real food, plant-based nutrition and supplementation
  • Increased metabolism and burning of fat
  • Creation of new habits and set points, thus highly reducing the chances of you gaining the weight back even after you finish the program.
  • This program not only helps you lose weight and reduce your size but also mitigates the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, blood cholesterol, high blood pressure and heart diseases

3 Keys to Success

Learn to use fat as fuel

Learn to use fat as fuel

Low-intensity exercise

Low-intensity exercise

Correct supplements

Whole food supplements

The Program Details

So what does the Optimal Health Program entail?
See below the key elements of the Program.

Understanding Your Health Goals

We will start with a personal face to face interactive session to understand your health goals, challenges you face and assess you to provide you with a suitable solution before you start the journey. You will start your journey with a personal coach to accompany you, work with you and make sure you are not alone. You will also be interacting with people who are already on this journey working towards similar goal. Your colleagues will also support and push you to achieve the desired results.

Our Weightloss and Wellness Program 

The Optimal Health Program focuses on creating a healthy regime, a discipline and an ideal mindset to achieve your desired health goals. Weightloss is indeed a bi-product of the wellness program.

Developing New Food Habits and Improving Metabolism

During this journey, you will develop new food habits to improve your metabolism and you will achieve an optimum health with right intake of your regular food and supplements. 

No Gym but Low-intensity Exercises

Along with the nutrition, you will also perform few low-intensity exercises like walking, climbing steps which are minimal physical activities and there is no need to hit the gym.

Learning to Use Fat as a Fuel

The goal is to start your body’s natural fat burning machine so that it uses fat rather than food as a fuel. A proper intake of food and supplements at right times is essential to ensure your body functions at an optimal level and burns excess fat and to boost your metabolism. You will look and feel great with increased energy.

Tracking Your Progress

Your personal Coach will help you keep track of your progress daily. Weekly review sessions with your Coach will help you measure your progress against your goals, and your Coach will determine any course corrections that may be required. So you are never alone in your journey and there is someone to keep you on track and motivated at all times!

The Program is structured in such a way that it allows you to repeat the cycle till you reach your desired goals. And set points identified during the cycles will allow you to go back to them fairly quickly, in case you were to deviate from your desired weight levels once the Program is completed.

So go on, when do you want to start?  

So if you're ready to take action, we're ready to empower you with the tools and knowledge to help you achieve your health goals!
Please select one or more of the options to "Contact Bright Horizons for the Optimal Health Program" and we will follow up with you.

To your health!

Our Contact Details

We’d be happy to set up your initial consultation for you. Please click the E-mail link below and leave a message along with your contact details. We will contact you within one business day. If you would like to book an appointment by phone, please call 0432-239-260.

E-mail : info@brighthorizons.com.au
Website : www.brighthorizons.com.au

Weight loss


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